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A symbiosis that deserves to be investigated: agroecology, gastronomy and tourism.


Tourism students hold meetings with public and private actors related to agroecology and gastronomy.

Last Friday afternoon, some students of the seventh cycle of the tourism career (pilot course 2 - research-based learning) talked with Tatiana Rodriguez, manager of Agroazuay on various topics such as food sovereignty, fair trade, agroecology, organic production, gastronomy, tourism, among others.

Furthermore, Tatiana Rodriguez talked about the plans of the Provincial Government of Azuay related to agricultural development. A particular situation is a concern she has about research to respond to certain situations in the territory. She was accompanied by Micaela Ortiz, a former student of tourism, who spoke about the advantages and disadvantages of tourism. In the end, the students were allowed to ask questions about the topics discussed.

Afterwards, the students visited the restaurant La Chichería de Pu, who work closely with the Red Agroecológica del Austro. Gustavo Romero, chef-owner of the site, talked about the work dynamics they maintain in the restaurant. For instance, they develop their gastronomic offer according to the seasonal agroecological production. Gustavo also told us about the particularities of agroecological food. Finally, the students tasted some of the restaurant's dishes, such as llapingachos, charki sanduches, pies de asambleísta (pork feet), among others, , accompanied by chicha morada.

During these visits, the students who are carrying out their thesis about the link between agroecology and gastronomy in relation to the sustainability of tourism were also present. Finally, the students obtained interesting data for the pursuit of their research.

Photo credits: PREIT-tour

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